Monday, December 13, 2010


At the 13th of December 2009 my first post came to light, i gave it the name ( Just the beginning ), and it was.
At that time " when started blogging", i did not think about the time, which passed so quick, and i am here after one year i feel as it was yesterday.
I don't know why i did start all of these, but what i know... i just did it, writing about different things i like and i don't. And there are people to watch me and read what i write, even more i don't know what were their opinion, however i liked to do what i have to, or at least what i thought it was right.
As every one new in any place, i felt not comfortable with the beginning, but with time and the support of many people i felt more better.
Too many people supported me, some of them they didn't even know me, and others who were and still my friends.
Thank you everyone out there, who wrote their nice comments in my blogg, and the readers who just passed by my blogg and just red the posts, even if they didn't write any thing, thank you all.

Special thanks to Nasimlibya the first visitor and person who gave me the support, Lebeeya too another wonderful blogger, my close friend Akak we are missing your posts, Mr Tarek Alwan, May, Mushuthalohari, wathiqa bellah, thank you all.
And another thank for the people visiting my blogg from different countries eventhough, i don't know them and they did not comment, but still respecting them for their visit to my blogg, which i can see through the flag counter:

From California, USA, New york, USA
From Saudia Arabia
From Ontario & Alberta,Canada 
From Tunisia, UAE, Egypt.
To all people everywhere on my flag counter.

My regards to all the visitors, and i will do my best to keep posting and even try to make it better as possible as i can. I wish i can give more and more in the next few years ( Inshallah ).



ibeebarbie said...

Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary.

MushuThaLohari said...

Thank YOU for sharing your thoughts and photographs with us, Arak Tree! (:

Arak Tree said...

Hello Ibeebarbie

Thank you very much for your visits to my blogg,
I know now who was the mysterious visitor from california :)

Thanks again

Mushu how are you? I hope you are doing well in the freezing weather !!!
Although we still in the autumn ( the last few days of it ), but it looks like the heart of winter.
Thank you for being very good guest during the last year.
I am looking for forward to see you soon in my blog again.

Thanks a lot


Nasimlibya `√ said...

ع ما يبدو ان تعليقاتى لم تصل لوجهتها لعلها شدة الرياح او الثلوج منعتها نسأل الله العافية لنا جميعا

كل سنة وكل مناسباتك فرحة وسعيدة متوجة بالتفاؤل والامل بان القادم افضل بعون الله تعالى

بالتاكيد اننا عائلة كبيرة يفرح لنا الغير كما نفرح لهم\لهن

ربي ميغيب علينا حد ومنفقدو حد وديمة متواجدين وملمومين ع الخير

اشكرك جدا
ودعواتى ليك بالتوفيق ودوام الصحة والعافية اينما تكون
وان شاء الله المرة هدي يوصل تعليقى بدون اى عراقيل ومصدات

Arak Tree said...

السلام عليكم يانسيم

اليوم كيف فتحت البلوق متعي ولقيت تعليقك, للأسف الشديد من الواضح انك حاولتي تبعتي تعليقات ولكنها لم تصل, عالعموم خيرها في غيرها وشكله الثلج فعلا مسبب مشاكل.
شكرا على تواجدك الدائم وبنلوم عليك لانك مقصرة شوية ومختفية من على الساحة
