Monday, February 1, 2010

Between happiness & sadness

Many times when i felt delighted toward something, it could be an acheivment i did ,or my surrounding or even unexpected event that happen to me.
At those precious moments usually i forget that i am still living in a vicious circle shared by to different contradictories "Gladness and Sorrow".
So every good moment will be followed by bad one. However, once the sadness start , it gives me the hope to wait for the good moments to come back again. Only then did I realize that i feel as an optimistic and happy person.
And here my Question comes: As a person who has a faith in Allah,in addition to what i had mentioned above about my feeling of happiness in both of circumstances. Therefore , Is there any sadness in our lifes as we are a muslims ( The believer ones ) !!?



MushuThaLohari said...

I think sadness is a blessing from Allah subhaanahu wa ta'aala, just as the rest of the feelings. It is part of what makes us into human beings.

Sadness has a significant role in reminding us of life and what is important for us as Muslims. It can be a test from Allah - and the stronger the eemaan in one's heart, the easier sorrow's overcoming and appreciating should insha Allah be.

Sadness would be a problem only if we make it into the focus of our lives.

A quote from shaykh Muhammad Al Shareef:

Life is Never ALL ups!!
2:153 O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and
prayer; for Allah is with those who patiently persevere.
Surat Al-Baqarah 2:153

Lessons from this Verse
Life has both ups and downs. If you
are in a down turn, Allah gives you two tools by which you can
stay strong: being patient and focusing on your Salah. The
reward: Allah will be with you!

Wish you a Jumu'ah mubaarakah, Arak Tree (:

Arak Tree said...

Mushu ...
really i don't have so much to say,i think you said every thing.

Thank you very much.
